The Research
Development Committee with the teaching staff, are responsible for promoting and
endorsing a transparent academic environment encouraging to the application of
the high professional and ethical criteria of good practice for academic
research. Though the Institution is not recognised Research Centre and does not
published any Research Journal, it strictly adheres research code of ethics in
terms of publication of 'ASC Faculty Research Book' from the session 2016-17. It
has been also proposed by the IQAC to publish Research Journal extending ASC
Faculty Research Book to all the other faculties in recent future. The faculties
publishing their Research Articles/Papers strictly follow publication guidelines
and ethics of the respective publication agency. Besides, faculties monitor
Research Articles, Papers, Projects and Assignments of PG students and strictly
follow these codes of ethics.
The institution
has started code of ethics to check the malpractices and plagiarism in research
at local level manually by way of trust in promoting a moral research activity
amongst the faculties as the institution does not have plagiarism detecting
codes of ethics for Research are as- |
The college
obeys to follow the code of ethics for research, seminar and projects work |
It clearly
forbids plagiarism to all faculties. |
discourage dishonest and unethical practices in research work. |
Faculty should
be responsible for ensuring original research work. |
integrity should be ensured in the research work. |